The Town of Carrizozo relies on grants for infrastructure improvements, building upgrades and quality of life projects. Most of the grants are from the state; some come to the state from federal funds. Often there is a very short window between when the grant is announced and the deadline to submit an application. In order to keep the community informed and to allow for public comment, current and considered grants will be posted on this page.

To voice concerns and/or to add comments, call Town Hall at 575 648-2371 during business hours.

Current projects—Will be updating

Capital Appropriation Project—SCADA
Out for quotes
Purchase and install information technology, including a supervisory control and data acquistion system

17th and 18th Streets—Colonias Project—DFA
Substantially completed
Engineering for water system and street/drainage improvements
17th and 18th Streets—CDBG
Plan, design, construct water system improvements and street and drainage improvements on 17th and 18th Streets

Wells and Well Houses—Colonias Infrastructure Project Fund and Loan/Grant
Completion papers filed
Plan, design, construct, purchase and equip wells and well houses to increase and improve drinking water

Water System Improvement—Colonias Project—DFA
In progress
Loan $62,072; Grant $248,288
Design and construction of waste water treatment plant.

Quality of Life Grant
Construction of fence completed, dirt work substantially completed
Construction of regulation baseball field—fence and dirt work

SLFRF (Cares Act)—Drinking Water Infrastructure Improvements
Construction completed—reports due 4/25
Improvement to, expansion and linking of drinking water wells and installing emergency backup

NMDOT—Improvement to Carrizozo Municipal Airport
Design phase
Runway 6-24 pavement rehabilitiation and maintenance, apron pavement rehabilitation and maintenance, taxiway and taxiway connectors pavement rehabilitation and maintenance, SRE building and equipment acquisition, terminal rehabilitation, various required plans and assessments

GO Bonds—Library
To be used for equipment, library furniture, fixtures and supplemental library resource acquisitions

State Grants-in-Aid to Public Libraries
Library collections, library staff salaries, library staff professional development, library equipment and other operational expenditures associated with delivery of library services

Rural Libraries Program Grant
Library collections, library staff salaries, library staff professional development, library equipment, other operational expenditures associated with delivery of library services, capital improvements associated with delivery of library services

Grants being pursued

City Park Improvements Fund—DFA
Due Date: August 30, 2024, applied, waiting on decision
Proposed usage: Shade shelters with picnic tables for Carrizozo Community Park.

NMDOT 6th Street Improvements
Applying to Colonias Infrastructure Project Fund
Replacing lines and re-doing roads as needed from US 380 to F Avenue
Contingent on loan terms, ability to secure match funds and amount of legislative appropriation

Completed projects 2023, 2024—Will be updating

Capital Appropriation Project—Carrizozo Municipal Water System Upgrade
Completed 6/15/23
Design and installation of radio read meters and software to better monitor water usage and detect leaks

Capital Appropriation Project—Fire Hydrants
Completed 7/30/24
Design, purchase, construct, replace 21 fire hydrants and valves

New Mexico Beautiful Grant—NM Tourism Department
Completed 7/22/24
Trash cans, anti-littering tile signs for parks

Law Enforcement Recruitment Fund
Three year grant beginning 2023
Funds to hire law enforcement/support positions (used for Animal Control/Code Enforcement, additional officer)

Capital Appropriation Project—Carrizozo Library Information Technology and Infrastructure Improvements
Completed 1/5/23
Restroom upgrades

Capital Appropriation Project—Town trucks
Completed 9/19/24
Purchase and equip work trucks (1 Trailblazer, 1 Silverado, 3 Colorados to replace aging fleet)

Capital Appropriation Project—Library and Police Station Roof
Completed 9/19/24
Plan, design and construct Library and Police Station roof

GO Bond—Library
Completed 8/7/24
Upholstery, barcode labels, books

Rural Libraries Program Grant
Completed 8/12/24
Preservation, development or establishment of rural library services, including Library collections, library staff salaries, library staff professional development, library equipment and other operational and capital expenditures associated with delivery of library services

State Grants-in-Aid to Public Libraries
Completed 6/30/23
Library collections, library staff salaries, library staff professional development, library equipment and other operational expenditures associated with delivery of library services

Special Grant FY24 (Library)
Completed 6/30/24
Tables, shelving