Agendas and Minutes 2025

Jan. 14 Agenda Minutes
Feb. 11 Agenda
Feb. 25 Budget Workshop Agenda
March 4 Lodgers’ Tax Public Hearing Notice and Agenda
March 11 Agenda

To request copies of meeting minutes for prior years, contact Carrizozo’s Records Custodian at (575) 648-2371 or

Town of Carrizozo Government
The governing body of the Town of Carrizozo is composed of four trustees elected by the voters to four-year staggered terms and the Mayor. The current Board of Trustees is composed of Simon Beltran, Jesse Samora, Damian Luna and Mital Bhakta. The Mayor is Bob Hemphill. The Town Clerk/Treasurer, Chief of Police and Town Attorney are appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the Trustees. The current Town Clerk/Treasurer is Leann Weihbrecht.

Regular Trustee meetings are held at Town Hall on the second Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. Special meetings are called as needed. The board encourages public participation through a public comment period scheduled for every regular meeting.

In order for an item to be considered during a meeting, a request must be emailed to at least a week ahead of the meeting.

Elected Officials

MAYOR, Bob Hemphill

TRUSTEE, Simon Beltran TRUSTEE, Jesse Samora
Email: Email:

TRUSTEE, Damian Luna TRUSTEE, Mital Bhakta
Email: Email: