Annual Water Quality Report (Consumer Confidence Report) is available for 2021, 2022 and 2023. These reports provide information on where your water comes from, what it contains, and how it compares to standards set by regulatory agencies.
To access 2021 Report, click here. To access 2022 Report, click here. To access 2023 Report, click here.
Hard copies are available at Town Hall.
Approved revised definitions for Chapter 6 Planning and Zoning are here.
To receive notifications on water shut offs via text, sign up with TextMyGov.
The Town of Carrizozo partnered with Nexbillpay to take utilities payments online. Please note: this service is only for paying water, sewer and trash payments. You will need your account number (remember to add the dashes). To sign up through Nexbillpay, click here.
You will be asked to create an account. If you need assistance, do not call Town Hall. Call Nexbillpay at (888) 401-0615 for help setting up your account.
Town Hall will not have access to any credit card or personal information. Town Hall does have account number info if needed, but the number is also included on the bill itself.
PLEASE NOTE: A $2.95 fee to Nexbillpay will be applied to each online payment.
Free dump day is the 3rd Saturday of the month. Hours remain 8 until noon or whenever the dumpsters are filled.
The recycling bins have been relocated to the transfer station at the end of E Avenue. The second gate will be open 8 to 4 workdays and the 3rd Saturday of the month (free dump day) from 8 until noon. Please exit through the same entrance gate. The blue dumpsters are for recyclables only.
Town Hall lobby is open Monday through Thursday 7:30am to 4:30pm. Offices closed Friday, Saturday and Sunday. To report a water leak or criminal activity, please call the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office.
Local Links
Lincoln County
Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office
Twelfth District Court
Valley of Fires Recreation Center
Carrizozo Municipal School District
Carrizozo Health Center
Carrizozo Senior Center
Carrizozo Community Public Library and Archive
Carrizozo Chamber of Commerce
Carrizozo Heritage Museum
Carrizozo Youth Sports
Carrizozo Woman’s Club
Carrizozo Works, Inc.
Carrizozo Film Office
Carrizozo Music
Lincoln County Historical Society